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Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool that offers a reliable and customizable way to keep track of various services and websites.

Comprehensive Monitoring: Uptime Kuma allows you to monitor your websites, applications, and services effectively. It supports various types of checks like HTTP(s), TCP, HTTP(s) Keyword, Ping, DNS Record, Push, and more, ensuring you can keep track of virtually any service.
User-Friendly Dashboard: With a simple, intuitive interface, Uptime Kuma provides an easy-to-navigate dashboard. This dashboard displays all your monitors, their statuses, uptime percentages, and response times, giving you a clear overview of your network’s health at a glance.
Notifications and Alerts: Receive immediate alerts through multiple channels like email, Telegram, Slack, and more when a service goes down or encounters issues. This ensures that you can respond swiftly to any downtime or interruptions.
Multi-Platform Support: Uptime Kuma can be run on various platforms, making it accessible whether you’re using a personal server at home, a VPS, or a cloud provider. It’s compatible with Docker, which simplifies deployment across different environments.
Privacy and Security: As a self-hosted solution, Uptime Kuma offers enhanced privacy and security. Your monitoring data stays on your server, offering complete control and avoiding potential data leaks that can occur with third-party monitoring services.
Community and Open Source: Uptime Kuma is open-source, backed by a community of developers and users. This means continuous improvements, new features, and quick bug fixes, all driven by community feedback and contributions.
Free and No Lock-ins: Unlike many SaaS monitoring solutions, Uptime Kuma is completely free. There are no subscription fees, no limits on the number of services you can monitor, and no vendor lock-ins, offering complete flexibility.
Advanced Features: Features like status pages, SSL certificate monitoring, and custom HTTP requests provide advanced capabilities for comprehensive service monitoring.

Price: Open Source
License: MIT

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